So a friend of mine got 4 chickens as chicks and raised them for a time. Then when they reached coop size decided it wasn't a good time buy a coop and wanted to get rid of them. I was excited to get free chickens when all the hardest part ( raising them from chicks) was done. I have been debating it for awhile and decided I did want to walk out my door and get great fertilizer and fresh eggs. So we rushed to put together a coop from an old shed at our bookstore. And now we have 4 new girls in the family. Let me introduce you.
This is Sunshine ( the kids named them with our approval.) I think she is lowest in the pecking order and she is the smallest.
This is Marigold who is the the most adventurous and first out the door when we open it.
Here is Luna, I think. She is the largest and can fly up to the perches now.
And lastly is Speckle.
Here is our coop. I think I will paint door the same red as my trellises .
No rooster?
Love the new layout, by the way!
YAY! So jealous. I can't wait to meet them! :-)
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