Sunday, June 5, 2011


 I wanted to paint the trellises a sedate green but Joffre convinced me to try red and boy are they red! Now I like a lot of color in my house but the garden was going to be mellower. But I do like red. So we went with the red and it is only for two small trellises and I like it. I was thinking we could get some chairs or a picnic table and paint it the same red to put in a sitting area elsewhere in the garden to tie it all together.  
My cucumbers are going crazy up this one already.

 My tomatoes are growing really well and we have lots of little tomatoes forming on them. Just a few more weeks!

 And this tiny sprout has me very excited. It is an artichoke. Artichokes are perennials so if I can get it to grow it will keep coming back. I had just about given up on them. A friend also gave me a rhubarb plant that I have growing inside till fall.
 Trying to propagate roses on my kitchen windowsill.


mamajen said...

Love the red! Looks great!

Kimberly said...
