Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I cut my hair and I am dreading the attention from such a dramatic change. I wanted the change but the attention always is hard for me. ( I admit to being a bit of a Zoey Deschanel wannabe.) I also know everyone is going to say my hair looks darker even though it is the same.

We are getting lots of tomatoes from the garden and I just got 100lbs of tomatoes to can. Yipee. I have a busy week ahead.


Jennifer said...

lookin' good...

kendra said...

ooh, Kim, your hair looks so much darker now... ;-)

It's super cute, k-dawg.

And dang, that's a lot of tomatoes. Where do you find time to can 100 lbs of tomatoes with 4 kids? I am amazed. I get nothing done with 1 kid. Nothing. 3 months of getting nothing done at all, save baking the occasional batch of muffins. Even that usually takes twice as long. :-)

Kimberly said...

The first one is the hardest! You learn to manage more and more with each one and get over things like not getting sleep.
The canning is tricky and I have had crying babies at my feet while lifting cans out of the canner. Naptime is my busiest time.