Saturday, June 28, 2008


I am ridiculously proud of a plum jam/sauce I canned. 7 lovely jars of plum stuff. I didn't have enough sugar to make jam so I made a sauce. We have had so many plums from our tree coming off and they were rotting. So I had my neighbor come help me can them. Amie is amazing. She cans 33 jars or strawberry jam and tons of tomatoes and peaches every year, but I'm proud of my 7 jars at the moment. We ate all our peaches fresh because they were so delicious but I want to do peach jam or canned peaches.

I have gotten a small crop of cucumbers from the garden and boy are they weird looking. Fat. I think I need to pick them sooner.


Joffre The Giant said...

You know I like 'em plump, baby.

kendra said...

those are all cucumbers? they are funny looking indeed. are they tasty? that's the part that matters.

I'm super proud of your canning, too. That's awesome stuff. Maybe one of these days I'll be awesome like Kim and try something crazy like canning... especially since I don't trust jam in any of the stores now because they probably all have corn something in them. But I've noticed that canning jars are super expensive... AND I can never find just the replacement lids (or if I find them, they're really expensive!) So what do you do next year?

fosterheartsathome said...

That's called cross pollenization(sp?)
Did you plant the cucs next to the watermelons?! LOL!
Can I come can with you?

Kimberly said...

I bought all my jars at thrift stores and spent less than $5 for about 30. You can reuse the jars and rings but have to buy new sealer lids. You can't reuse store jars unless they are the two piece top canning jar kind. The lids and pectin boxes are 2.40 each (Walmart or Publix)and that can add up.By the way, I think low sugar jam at the store has sugar instead of corn syrup.

Kimberly said...

You can can with me. What a stupid sounding sentence. I want to make salsa and tomato sauce this year if I get a good tomato crop. We can combine resources. I planted hot peppers and have a good amount of herbs too.
I'm also want to do blueberries or peaches but I'm not sure of my energy level. It is a lot of work.I was also interested in pickling my cucumbers but they are so retarded looking. I'm just not sure of my energy and I'm still very new at this.

Joffre The Giant said...

I'll can can with you.

Anonymous said...

Like someone else said, I think your "cukes" on the sides of your picture (not the long one in the middle) have cross-polinated with another plant in your garden. Maybe a zuchinni or watermelon? Anyway, that's why they look funny. They're trying to be all things....

Way to go on all of the canning. I'm not quite organized to venture into canning this year.