Here's an illustration of Rapunzel I'm working on. Does anyone remember off the top of their head if what color her hair was in the story. I made it blond/gold in the mural but I like this brunette better. I had a terrible/ unsuccessful time finding the story at the library. I probably was just too distracted by the kids. I don't really care, artistic license and all that but was curious if I was getting it mixed up with Rumpelstilskin. This is oil pastel on craft paper about 12"x24". (I have a really bad habit of just drawing on this paper in odd sizes and not squared edges. Not smart when you are thinking about reproducing).
Guess who modeled for the knight? I had to trim the shoulders and scale him down so it didn't look like he was a giant dragging her out of the window instead of climbing. He hasn't started up the hair so I could do that romantic hair blowing in the wind thingy.
Trina Schart Hyman is so awesome at this sort of illustration. Her Snow White is my favorite.
I think you should make her hair black...in keeping with "my prince joffre" theme! :)
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair."
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let down your hair
That I may climb the golden stair."
So yeah...blonde's the way to go...at least in respect to the versions I recall.
'Tis lovely, though. If you ever decide that sketch needs a new home, I'd be happy to adopt it!
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