Saturday, May 28, 2011

Garden Love

 I don't want to be inside this week. I am in love with my garden. So many of the plants are so small still but the hope I have for them makes me feel like they are babies I gave birth to. I know I sound ridiculous. 

 Peas starting to creep up the bean teepee I made.
 Turnips and beets getting close to harvest time.
 I love the different shades of green in this bed. it's tomatoes, bush beans and peppers.

 This bed isn't even finished getting it's compost but the collards and onions are doing  great.
 I think we are actually going to get some yummy peaches this year.
 My hydrangea is in technicolor this year with whitish, purple and blue blooms. Super fun.
 This has not been so fun. I have been trying to weed this very old bed of irises. I finished about half before I gave up last night to renew my strength. It is all grass to weed with ridiculously long roots. Nightmare. But it will look good for a couple weeks.
 We have had a lot of rain this spring and I think my blue berries and raspberries have grown inches! So happy about this.I really want them to establish this year.
 Finished a few more trellises. I might paint them to get them to last longer. One is with another vintage baby gate, one an actual trellis we found at the old bookstore, and one is with sticks.
My rock plot. I planted a lantana, but still deciding what else to plant in it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Your garden looks fantastic! So nice to see all that work paying off...