Our computer hasn't been working so well and finally died the other night. So I haven't been blogging or getting my email much. I also can't get on
facebook because I can't remember my password. So nobody feel neglected out there.
I'm also not caring about much right now except wanting to get this baby out. I'm as big as an elephant and I still have 4 weeks to go.
I was measuring 37 weeks today which is good because I'm 36 weeks. Maybe, just maybe I'll have one early baby.
We still haven't settled on names especially boy names. We have a girl name, Mara or Mary
Esperanda Swait.
Joffre wants to name the boy Phineas except spelled the
Portuguese way, Fineas. I like Fineas but I'm not crazy about the middle name he has picked out. It will be interesting.
Renata just turned 5. I have pictures I was going to post but, I haven't figured out how to do that with this computer. George will be 2 on the 14th of this month. I had this idea it would be good for me to have this baby in October (my due date is Sept 29) so I could keep the birthdays spread out a bit but now I'm thinking shared birthday parties would be fantastic. the sooner the better.